The surprising data about content some inspo to get started

The surprising data about content some inspo to get started

How's your content marketing going? Choose an emoji below.

🥳 Great! We are killing it with our content marketing.

🙂 It’s going well! Leads are coming in and we’re seeing progress.

🤔 Content marketing? What is content marketing?

😑 Ugh. Don’t ask. We’re not doing it.

😩 We know we need to do it but aren’t sure how to get started.

😱 Our content marketing is all over the place and needs an overhaul.

😵 I’m working night and day to create content and the pace is killing me.

Regardless of which emoji you chose, you might want to hear this piece of data.

According to a report from InsightSLICE, the global digital content creation market size is expected to reach US $38.2 billion by 2030. That's at an annual CAGR of 12% per year until 2030.

So, if you answered that you're doing well with content marketing, High Five! Keep up the good work, because you're already on that wave.

If you answered anything else, well, now is the time to hop onto it. This is where marketing is headed (or, many would argue, we’re already there).

Ready to get going but need some inspo? We’ve pulled a handy-dandy list of articles to help you get started so your content marketing can feel more like 🥳 or 🙂.

Kafen8’s essential list of content marketing articles:

Marketing strategy. We all know we need it - but how do we actually do it?

How to create a content marketing strategy

Content marketing is a growing market–but what about brand marketing? Do I need both?

Brand marketing vs. content marketing–what’s the difference?

These days, we hear a lot about marketing funnels. What are they?

What is a content marketing funnel?

OK, I get what a funnel is - how do I create content for a marketing funnel?

How to create content that converts at every stage in the marketing funnel

How do I make content marketing that helps me grow my business?

Kafen8’s guide to creating social media that sells

OK. I read all these articles but still need some help. How do I hire someone?

Here are 5 tips for hiring an outsourced marketing provider

Still not sure what to do? We can help. Set up some time with us here.

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Is there a relationship between SEO and social media?

Video: Why entrepreneurs can't ignore video

Video: Why entrepreneurs can't ignore video